209. Opening Doors to a Magical Life

May 22, 2024
access consciousness podcast

Is there something you’ve been talking about wanting to do but not actually doing it?

This episode of Choice, Change and Action, is an excerpt from a zoom Simone recently facilitated for everyone on her telegram thread where she guides you through some key topics to open new doors in your life.

You need to choose your life from your choice; not from necessity and not for anything or anybody else, including other people’s definitions and points of view of you. 

What is it you would like to ask for? What door would you like to open?

Keys to success

  • What Is It You Would Like To Ask For?
  • What If You Received Acknowledgement For Who You BE?
  • Are You Letting Definitions Stop You?
  • What Have you been talking about that you’ve not yet chosen?
  • Write down what you would like to create as your life

Daily Questions

  • "What are you saying you would like to choose but you actually never choose it?"
  • "Who or what do you think of before you choose?"
  • "Now what?" 

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As Mentioned In This Episode

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